
Entity Definition

Logical Name : SalesAssociateAction
Physical Name : CO_SLS_ASCTE_ACTN

An action that is performed by a Worker while assisting a customer purchasing the merchandise or services.

Data Definition

Attribute Description Physical Name Domain Data Type Foreign Key Table
AssociateActionID (PK) A unique system assigned identifier for an action that is performed by a Worker while assisting a customer purchasing the merchandise or services. ID_ACTN_ASCTE Code2 char(2)
Name The common name for the action that is performed by a Worker while assisting a customer purchasing the merchandise or services. NM_ACTN Name varchar(40)


Parent Entity Verb Phrase Child Entity
SalesAssociateAction was performed by TransactionAssociate
SalesAssociateAction was performed by LineItemAssociate
SalesAssociateAction defines WorkerCommissionPlanItem

Logical Views containing SalesAssociateAction

Logical View
Logical 02305 - Retail Transaction - Header View
Logical 02310 - Retail Transaction - Item Sale View
Logical 11100 - Worker - Macro View
Logical 11120 - Worker - Job Definition View
Logical 11140 - Worker - Retail Transaction View